Hallo meine lieben Schüler :)
Wie gehts?? Sehr gut...gut...nicht so gut...beschissen :) I hope you are enjoying the class and the last few hours of the weekend!
You should have the following words of the day entered into your notebook:
Guten Morgen - good morning
Guten Tag - good day
Hallo - hi
das Datum - the date
der Tag - the day
die Woche - the week
der Monat - the month
das Buch - the book
der Bleistift - the pencil
der Kuli - the pen
die Schule - the school
die Note - the grade (as in letter grade at school)
Ich weiss nicht - I don't know!
die Hausaufgabe -
Basic dialogue info/questions? Do you understand them...can you answer...pref. in a complete sentence?
Wie gehts? Gut, danke. (es geht mir gut, danke)
Wie heisst du? Ich heisse ______________. or Mein Name ist ______________.
Wie heisst er/sie? Sie/er heisst ____________.
Wie alt bist du? Ich bin ___________ (Jahre alt)..
Wann hast du Geburtstag? Ich habe am ____ __________ Geburtstag.
Tschüss/Auf Wiedersehen
numbers 0-20 and alphabet have been covered, any questions?
Remember that the Umlaut (two dots over the "a", "o" and "u") changes the individual pronunciation of the word resulting in overall change in how the word sounds and sometimes even alters the word's meaning...so yes, it is important!
Remember that you can access the resource center to our book via the blog and enter the following code to access the text book: riz12vuk. It is the purple circle with the book in it...click and enter code, voilà! :)
ein Lied (a song)
Alle meine Entchen
schwimmen auf dem See (2x)
Köpfchen unter'm Wasser
Schwänzchen in die Höh!
please let me know if you have any questions :) Danke!!!
Hausaufgabe für Montag: comparison of German vs. American school system, what do you think?
Basic differences, any similarities, what are your thoughts? Which system do you prefer?
("letter") Grades in Germany
1 = A
2 = B
3 = C
4 = D
5 = "E"..if we had it
6 = F
until the 11 grade...after that
15,14,13 = A
12,11,10 = B
9,8,7 = C
6,5,4 = D
3,2,1 = "E"
0 = F
In both set ups, an "E"is considered a failing grade.
Tracking after grade 4 resulting in the student being place in one of 3, maybe 4 tracks, depending on state:
Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium (4th option for the "tweener" student is Gesamtschule).
Kindergarten = preschool
Grundschule, Volksschule = elementary school (1-4)
Hauptschule = "middle school" (5-8 or 9)
Realschule = higher level "middle/high school" (5-10)
Gymnasium = high school (5-13)
Fragen? Please feel free to ask!!!
Thanks for sharing. If your child is having trouble with his studies then private tutoring may be able to help him get back on track. Your child's school or teacher may be able to recommend someone or your friends may have used a tutor for their children. Learning centers also have tutors available and even though they are a little more expensive they may be your best choice. It is better for your child if they can be tutored at home rather than someplace where they do not feel comfortable. Private tutoring can benefit your childin many ways.Deutsch Nachhilfe Basel